The local residents’ engagement with learning and trade created an extroverted society, which quickly integrated elements of European cities and the Greek capital in the upper economic strata. Thus, edifices with neoclassical elements and elements of eclecticism were created, including single-storey or two-storey houses with gardens and ornate fences, as well as exterior decorations.

The design of these houses was complex and had reception areas, living rooms, dining rooms, offices-libraries, bedrooms and utility rooms, kitchens, storage rooms, laundries.

Many of these houses are preserved to this day and are constantly being renovated, albeit not always in the best manner. Ladies and gentlemen of the bourgeoisie, merchants, lawyers, doctors, teachers paid close attention to their appearance.

Suits and beautiful dresses, handmade by the city’s tailors, dominated formal events and dances. Imported furniture, Viennese chairs, chests, porcelain tableware, crystal glasses, armchairs and rugs complemented the household items.

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